PVD Thin Film Coating for Hardware Tool and Mould

Jun. 20, 2024

PVD Thin Film Coating Makes Tool in Perfect Performance 

Protective wear coatings can be used for sheet metal pressing, steel forming, aluminum foundries, and for the production of machine parts and components for the automotive industry. Professionally coated tools can tolerate significantly higher drilling, sawing, and cutting speeds, which helps to ultimately reduce overall machine time and project cost. PVD hard coating equips the surface of mechanical parts and tools with durability and resistance to scratching.


Titanium Nitride PVD coating give high toughness and hardness with a low friction coefficient which makes it a standard for cutting and stamping tools of slightly-alloyed steels 

At Atargets we provide high quality sputtering targets that can enhance the mechanical properties and comprehensive regeneration of cutting tools in a precise and cost effective way. 

Aluminum Titanium nitride (AlTiN) and Titanium Silicon Nitride (TiSiN) coating to are used for cold and hot forming of steels and provide high temperature resistance with very high hardness and wear performance. 

To avoid deformation during coating molds with tempered or quenched materials a low temperature at 200 deg C PVD coating is applied by PVD to obtain high hardness. 

Typically Titanium nitride thin layers over cutting and stamping tools of slightly-alloyed steels will give high toughness and high hardness with a low friction coefficient. 

Molds for very abrasive plastics needs to be coated at high temperature (450 DegC) with Titaniun Nitrate (AlTiN) to obtain a good resistance to abrasion and thermos oxidation. 

CrN, TiSiN are other typical coatings to achieve high hardness.


For tribology applications or when chemical compatibility is a problem like machining tools for aluminum-copper alloys, Titanium diborure (TiB2) issued. PhotonExport has the best marquet prices on this hard ceramics targets which are very complicated to manufacture. Other materials layers coated as Vanadium also adds good tribology properties.


For health applications, the addition of Carbon provides hemocompatibility and biocompatibility. Traditional Ti based coating and carbon based coating avoid leaching dissolution process and ensures chemical compatibility. All PVD selected coatings needs to allow sterilization of dental surgical instruments. Dental implants and medical prosthesis considerably improve their lifespan after getting a Titanium coating. Silver nano-particles and other materials coatings can bring antimicrobial properties and having better bio-compatibility.